Converters (Experimental)

Convert HWPv5 documents into other document formats.


The conversions are performed with XSLT internally and verified with Relax NG if possible.

For these processing, the converters requires lxml (homepage) or libxml2’s xsltproc / xmllint programs.

For lxml installation:

pip install --user lxml # install to user directory
pip install lxml        # install with virtualenv

or see Installing lxml.

(Currently conversions with lxml 2.3.5 is tested and verified to be working. lxml versions below that may work too, but those are not tested.)

For xsltproc / xmllint installation:

sudo apt-get install xsltproc libxml2-utils  # Debian/Ubuntu

Optional environment variables PYHWP_XSLTPROC and PYHWP_XMLLINT specifies the paths of the each programs. (If not set, xsltproc and/or xmllint should be in the one of the directories specified in PATH.)

hwp5odt: ODT conversion

HWPv5 to ODT converter


hwp5odt [options] [--embed-image] <hwp5file>
hwp5odt [options] --styles <hwp5file>
hwp5odt [options] --content [--embed-image] <hwp5file>
hwp5odt [options] --document [--no-embed-image] <hwp5file>
hwp5odt -h | --help
hwp5odt --version


-h --help           Show this screen
--version           Show version
--loglevel=<level>  Set log level.
--logfile=<file>    Set log file.

--document          Produce single OpenDocument XML file (.fodt)
--styles            Produce *.styles.xml
--content           Produce *.content.xml

--output=<file>     Output file.

hwp5html: HTML conversion

HWPv5 to HTML converter


hwp5html [options] <hwp5file>
hwp5html [options] <hwp5file> --html
hwp5html [options] <hwp5file> --css
hwp5html -h | --help
hwp5html --version


-h --help           Show this screen
--version           Show version
--loglevel=<level>  Set log level.
--logfile=<file>    Set log file.

--output=<output>   Output file / directory

hwp5txt: text conversion

HWPv5 to text converter


hwp5txt [options] <hwp5file>
hwp5txt -h | --help
hwp5txt --version


-h --help           Show this screen
--version           Show version
--loglevel=<level>  Set log level.
--logfile=<file>    Set log file.

--output=<file>     Output file